About Me

I am Chameera, I would like to call myself an entrepreneur. I have had experience in the arts industry since I was a very young woman. Something about it always caught my attention. So that made me think why can’t I start doing something I love and make something out of my life?

I have been applying henna since 2003 when first started doing this as a hobby, honestly. I didn’t have much support. It was me alone striving to gain praise and recognition for my hard work. Applying henna, it allows me to meet new people and change the way I see the world. Henna is an art brought out from deep inside. Your creativity and uniqueness shines from within your masterpieces.

So I told myself when I do gain recognition of any sort one day, I have to thank every single person who brought me here my Family, loyal friends, customer base and most importantly God. I am who I am today because of you all. Launching Marudhani by Lady Life was a big step towards leading an independent life. As a daughter, sister, wife, and mother I have many people to please and care for. But only after I started Marudhani by lady life did I realize all over again that I need to start living for myself. I had merely existed because of my mundane duties before I started this business, but now I have a purpose in life. That is to keep inspiring other women like me to stand on their own feet. There is no other feeling like it. Thank you so much for choosing us to start your journey into the amazing world of henna. Wishing you the best of both worlds.